Verified Riders
Completed Trips
Carbon Reduce
Find your nearest SKOOT station.
To unlock the vehicle, simply scan the QR code located on the station.
Enjoy the SKOOT ride but remember to abide by all the traffic laws and parking policies.
To end your ride, park the vehicle at a SKOOT station.
It's high time you stopped being just one in a pillion. Own your journeys with our seamless and affordable scooter rental plans. Next time you decide to step out, know that there's a friend who is willing to go the extra mile for you.
Enjoy a ride in just 3 simple steps. Ready, set, GO!
Pocket-friendly rental plans that will take you a long way, literally.
Keyless Feature
An IoT-integrated keyless technology that unlocks the scooter via a QR code scan in just 3 seconds.